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The King: Eternal Monarch - A Perfect Blend of Historical and New Age Drama

Are you a huge fan of Korean dramas? Well who isn't, right? With Korean actors and singers making their way in the mainstream media, Korean pop and Korean dramas are all set to take over the world with their eye pleasing graphics and their brilliant and unique story lines. The king: Eternal Monarch is one such drama filled with action, emotions, fantasy and of course, a heartwarming love story.

The King : Eternal Monarch

The drama starts with a massacre scene,where Lee-Rim, our lead villain, kills his half-brother, the emperor of ancient South Korea. Lee-gon, played by none other than Lee Min-ho, arrives at the scene and catches his half-uncle, Lee-Rim, killing his father, the emperor for a magical flute. The magical flute possesses powers by which a person can travel between the parallel universes. Lee Gon was saved by an anonymous person but he manages to pull out the identity card from that person’s pocket. All his life he waited to figure out who saved him. After his coronation, when Lee Gon is of the age to take over the charge as an actual king, his caretaker gives him the other half of the flute that was left in the massacre years ago. Lee Gon travels through the magical bamboo forest and was able to time travel to present day South Korea. That is when the story starts to unfold. Our king finds his love in present day Korea but since the drama is set in two parallel worlds, the story remains very eye-catching and the suspense is never ending.

The King : Eternal Monarch

The story is about a former emperor who must travel to and fro between the two universes to stop his half uncle Lee Lim from destroying the balance of both the universes and to stop him from the evil mess he is about to make. The situation becomes tricky when he finds out that both the universe have people with the same faces and to maintain the balance which has been broken because of the opening of the secret passage, one of the people has to die.

The breathtaking chemistry of Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun is more than enough of a reason to watch the show, and the storyline is cherry on the cake . One can not complain about missing out on any of the factors. The series shows all the beautiful aspects of ancient Korea along with modern Korea, and the exposure to their rich culture just makes it better. This was listed as the most popular Korean drama in India, Singapore, Malaysia and as well as in the United States. Woo Do-hwan has done his job perfectly as the second male lead of the drama. He played the role of captain of the royal guard and childhood friend of Lee Gon who would save the king’s life over his own any day. The story has everything you are looking for, mystery, time travel, love, and every other detail you can think of is perfectly showcased. The actors have done a remarkable job of playing double roles as two completely different individuals for the story.

You will be left in tears as the story unfolds. Making a king fall in love with a common investigator from the other universe and how he travels both worlds impatiently to save his love. He puts his own life at risk to keep his love safe. The ending is a bit unsatisfactory but the drama will enlighten all your emotions which you didn’t even know existed.

The King : Eternal Monarch

Dramas like this make you fall in love with Korean culture and Korean drama even more. This is a binge worthy drama which you can watch again and again and still won’t get enough of it. All the actors have played their role passionately and will take you away from the reality of your life into the world of royals.

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