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JOHN WICK 4, Be Ready for Another Action Pack Drama

We all love puppies, don’t we? But do we love our puppies as much as John Wick? Well, I doubt that. Now let's jump to the good news, the John Wick franchise is back with the 4th movie of this series.

John Wick Poster

John Wick is the story of an assassin who retired from a dangerous career because he finally wants to settle down and live a peaceful life with the love of his life. But as they say, you sow what you reap, and John Wick’s life seems to be no excuse. Shortly after their marriage, his wife passes away, leaving him in agony and loneliness. Things get out of hand when a mobster, Losef Tarasov steals his priceless possession, his car, and kills his puppy, which was a gift from his wife. John is filled with hatred and anger, and nothing can stop him from destroying everything that comes in between his revenge. Losef turns out to be the son of the Russian mafia Viggo Tarasov. Viggo beats Losef after knowing what he has done, he tells him about John’s past, where John had worked for Viggo and had asked for his permission to leave the criminal world and marry his wife. John was then assigned an almost impossible task because Viggo didn’t want to let go of his best man, but John succeeds at it. Viggo was thankful to John for the empire he owned at the time.

Viggo reaches out to John and asks for forgiveness but he denies it and is determined to take revenge. Viggo sends his hitman to kill John as this seems to be the only way for him to save his child. That is when the whole drama and action begins. Viggo has his man guard Losef all the time and has sent him into hiding. John is livid with anger and will go to any extent to get rid of Losef. He single-handedly manages all the hitmen sent by Viggo. It’s not any other action franchise, it’s the story of revolt between a gangster, who has the whole force ready to die for him at his commands and a man filled with rage to take revenge for. The franchise is back with another movie, the first John Wick movie was launched in 2014 and has earned immense success. Although the series has received love and appreciation, we must say it's a bit overrated.

John Wick Movie

The film series started with an emotional start but the following action and thrill just keep us entertained. The action scenes involving guns seem to be brutal and yet convincingly real at the same time. The style of these gangsters will woo you, rich and careless people living their best life, without the fear of anyone, but when life’s at risk all the luxury seems to fail and all that’s left is luck.

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