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Do Controversies Benefit the Box Office collection of Movies?

A movie’s fate is often decided by its cast and the storyline. A good actor working in a movie with a well-written script was bound to be a hit. But in the past few years, a new trend can be seen in Bollywood.

Producers and filmmakers promote their movies through various platforms. But this doesn’t always bring a lot of limelight and viewers. It is the natural tendency of the human brain to scout out and remember negative aspects more than positive ones. But has it become a form of publicity as many tend to believe that any publicity is good publicity.

Controversial Movies

Creating controversies before release brings a lot of attention to the movie. A slight buzz can highlight the movie on news channels and on the front pages of the daily newspapers with little cost. A normal conversation often becomes boring but creating controversy is like starting a jungle fire. It starts a clash between two groups of people, the ones who stand for the cause and the ones who stand against it, and we all enjoy a little drama, don’t we?

Movies like PK, Padmavat, The Kashmir Files and recently Pathaan were all part of controversies and the box office tells the tales of their success. Pathaan has broken several records in the first week of its release in spite of being at the centre of a controversy for one of its songs. The audience generally is never the one to start such chaos. All we need is entertainment and ‘paisa wasool’ content. A movie is either targeted for hurting the emotions of a particular religion for political agenda or it can simply be a publicity stunt pulled by the creators themself and we walk straight into the trap. Still, it's a risky gamble to take care of the thin line between controversies and actually getting the film cancelled.

The curiosity to find out what the whole buzz was about, leads us to the theatres. In the end, it all works out and sometimes a very average movie turns out to be a super hit.

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